Tuesday, May 4, 2010

From the Sunshine Coast to the Great Barrier Reef

Well, well, well. I don't know where to start this post seeing it feels like such a long time since I've updated the old blog.

I guess I'll start where we left off. After an awesome few days spent at Frankie and Josh's beautiful new home, Wade and I decided we couldn't leave the Sunshine Coast without going to Australia Zoo! It was a really fun day out and was surprisingly quiet so we were able to really take our time and check everything out. At the famous croc enclosure, we both watched in awe as two huge crocs (one weighing in at 600kg!) followed us while we walked around the outside of their enclosure. It was all fun and games until we realised they had both been captured in Cape York..... a place we're going to be within a month! I dont think either one of us will be laughing when we come across one of those monsters without the fence between us!

After leaving the Sunshine Coast, we did a 50km drive up the beach in Great Sandy National Park, to Inskip Penninsula and Rainbow Beach. The sand on rainbow beach is incredible. It goes from normal yellowish sand to this crazy "outback-Australian-looking" red sand. The photo below was taken in Red Canyon, this awesome sand canyon with huge pillars of this bright red sand. It's so bizarre cause it totally just pops up out of nowhere.

Red Canyon, Great Sandy National Park

The three of us celebrating another beautiful day in sunny QLD

We camped at Inskip for two nights before we decided to make tracks. Partly because we were in desperate need of a shower but also because if I saw one more mozzie I was ready to seriously lose my mind! I took a photo of my mozzie bite covered body but Wade was worried that if anyone saw it, I'd go into quarantine, so unfortunately I wont be sharing that one!

The incredible sunset out the front of our campsite at Inskip Penninsula

After another romantic and peaceful night (NOT!) spent sleeping at a truck rest stop, we finally finished the painful stretch of road between Bundaberg and Mackay, we arrived in Airlie Beach on Sunday morning. We booked into a cheap hotel with an amazing veiw of the Whitsundays and decided to have a few drinks at a pub before going out for a nice seafood dinner. However, that plan went down the gurgler when we realised it was Happy Hour and Wade wanted to make the most of the $5 spirits! We had an absolute blinder of a night and didnt once think that maybe we should go home seeing we were booked to go on a cruise to Whitehaven Beach and the reef at 7:30am the next morning!
With sore heads and uneasy guts we boarded our cruise only to find out the winds were going to reach tops of 25 knots..... sea sickness almost took my mind off the enormous hangover! Even though we had to nurse eachother through the day, it was an incredible day out in a magnificent place. The colour of the water around the Whitsundays is simply breathtaking as is the white sand of Whitehaven Beach.

The incredible Whitsundays

So that's the story up until now. We are leaving Airlie tomorrow morning and heading to Townsville where Monty will be making a trip to the mechanic and we will check out the town and nearby National Parks for a day or so.

Make sure you keep checking the "BIG Things" page cause once again we've been scouring the country for inanimate oversized objects!

Hope life is treating you all well and hope Parramatta keep up their good form!

Peace Out!

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