About The Crew


Wade will be bringing balls, style and class to this trip. He is living proof that Fluro is the new black and the humble Fluro Shirt really is the most versatile item of clothing ever designed - as i'm sure he will demonstrate over the next 5 months.

Wade is an accomplished Russian Shovel Fighter. He hopes he wont need to use his skills during this trip however if the time comes, he wont be afraid to shovel some arse!

Wade gained his mechanical experience from ........

Wade's Roles During the Trip:

  • Mechanic

  • Security Squadron


Sarah will be bringing food, fishing expertise and her hair straightner to this trip. Sarah is an experienced traveller and has proven her expertise by eluding arrest in various countries for offences relating to causing cultural offense and breaches to airport security (None of it is true Mum).

Sarah excelled in fishing from a young age and hopes to once again kick Wade's arse at as many fishing challenges as possible and then cook up a delightful feast using the Catch of The Day!

Sarah's Roles During the Trip:

  • Food and Beverage Coordinator

  • Chef Extraordinaire

  • Fishing Master


Monty is a 1989 Patrol who has travelled far and wide in search of some of the greatest sights this awesome country has to offer. However no trip that Monty has ever done will quite prepare him for this "Adventure of a Lifetime"!

Monty is bringing far too many things to list here but the most important being beer and wine..... oh and food, water and fuel.

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