Thursday, April 8, 2010

Still Packing

As with any great adventure, preparation is the key, and at this rate we're gonna need a bloody key ring!

As anticipated in our first blog post, our departure date has said goodbye to Thursday and hello to Friday 9th April. There were a few reasons for the change. First of all being that Wade got a tad too excited about being newly unemployed and spent most of Wednesday (the day we should've been packing) sitting on his bum drinking beers with anyone who'd spare a minute.

Second reason was that the rain delayed a few things that we had planned on doing earlier in the week and the final reason was that I had my first painful experience with Telstra and it ended up taking them about 12 hours to activate the sim card for our wireless internet!! USELESS! After that experience I decided Wade had the right idea and before I knew it, it was beer o'clock.

Anyway this is just a quick update to let you all know tonight is our last night in Sydney for the next 5 months! Looking forward posting some more interesting news and stories in the next few weeks but for now,


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