Monday, April 26, 2010

More BIG Things

I promise I will spend some time updating you all on what we've been up to soon, but for now this is just a quick note to say that we've been busy discovering more BIG THINGS that the Sunshine Coast has to offer!

A big THANKYOU to Frankie and Josh who have been our wonderful hosts for the weekend in their beautiful new home. I'd be happy spending the rest of the trip here with them, but they keep mentioning this thing called "work" so I think it's time for us to run!

Wade and I are heading to Australia Zoo tomorrow, but we're also both pretty excited about another BIG THING we'll be visiting so keep checking our BIG THINGS page for updates!

Missing you all!

Frankie and I celebrating ANZAC Day with a beer for all our friends!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Holiday Begins on Moreton Island

We've been looking forward to a week of sun, sand and surf on beautiful Moreton Island.... we got the sand..... EVERYWHERE!!
After spending our first night in Queensland sleeping illegally at Brisbane Port, we woke up to pouring rain and I almost cried when we were told that the rain was supposed to continue for the next 5 days. We reconsidered our trip for a few minutes, but quickly decided to do it regardless of the weather, and although it hasn't been all sun and fun the Island is incredible anyway.
On the ferry over here, Wade got a bit nervous about driving on sand for the first time, but after deflating the tires and hitting the sand, he and Monty did it like the pro's!

Monty, lookin' good!
We found the most amazing campsite that either of us has ever stayed in.

We were pretty proud of our find!!

The veiw from our camp at sunset

We stayed in this campsite for three days and even with the rain coming on and off, we started to feel a bit like we were stuck in paradise. Wade kept looking for the "immunity idol" and starting our first fire sent Wade into some strange fire-dance.... says me who forgot that photo opportunities usually require pants!

Yes, we made fire. It only took us half a newspaper, 2 firestarters, heaps of kindling and a lighter! Then the rain put it out a few hours later!

We packed up camp on Monday morning and decided to spend the day checking out the rest of the Island. We'd heard about this place called "The Desert" where you can sandboard down some of Australia's highest sand dunes. Unfortunately for us, the rain had made the sand sticky  so we couldn't do it, but it was a cool place anyway.

We also walked up to the Cape Moreton Lighthouse on the north eastern tip of the island.
Cape Moreton Lighthouse is one of the only sandstone lighthouses left in QLD

On the ferry over here, we met another couple who had done a similar trip to what we have just started, about a year ago. They gave us some great advice about good places to see that are off the beaten track and away from the "Grey Army"!
We ended up spending our last day on Moreton Island with our fellow travellers Tim and Michelle. Early in our conversation when we first met them, we mentioned that we totally forgot to bring our snorkelling gear which you need look around the Shipwrecks on Moreton. Tim and Michelle who had seen our set up and knew that we had to pack up our camp everytime we wanted to go for a drive, offered to come and pick us up on Thursday morning and take us out for the day! It was one of the best days we had on the island and to top it off, the sun came out in the arvo so when we went snorkelling (using the gear they kindly leant us), the fish looked amazing! Wade and I got hungry just swimming past these huge Bream and Flatheads.
Sadly we said goodbye to Tim and Michelle yesterday afternoon but we're hoping to catch up with them later in the year because it turns out they're heading to Alice Springs the same weekend that we should be there in September! Thanks for a great few days guys! We really appreciated all the advice, snorkelling gear (and food!) that you so generously gave us.

This morning, we were booked to catch the ferry back to Brisbane and typically, it we woke up to one of the sunniest days we've had all week. So the two of us hopped back on the ferry, looking considerably shabbier than when we arrived a week ago. My body is totally covered in very attractive mozzie bites, bruises and a hairstyle that I cannot even begin to explain. Wade's beard is almost big enough to have it's own name and I'm still not sure if he has put any undies on since we left home. 

Hopefully we'll be spending this weekend on the Sunshine Coast with my mate Frankie (as long as she doesn't kick me out for looking like a lepper!).  I hope everyone has a great ANZAC Day, we'll be thinking of you all wherever we end up attending the dawn service.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's the colour of a two cent piece??? Cop, cop, copper!

Bloody typical. All I did was break one little mirror while packing on Wednesday and the next thing you know a Highway Patrol arsehole gets me on day one of our five month holiday! I spent the entire trip from Pennant Hills to Newcastle in the far left lane of the freeway just trying to keep up with the truckies and then the minute Monty was on a roll, they dropped the bloody speed limit. I still swear it had nothing to do with my driving though; it was entirely the mirrors fault!

As much as Wade wanted to include a photo in this post of me holding my fine like a Uni student on graduation day, I said no. Now don’t kid yourselves, that didn't stop him trying, but lucky for me, the camera battery was flat so I was saved.

So that was lesson number one of the trip – don’t speed. Let’s hope we don’t learn any lessons about crocs the hard way too (joking Mum, I’ll still send Wade in first to test the croc infested waters)!

Other than the excitement of the expensive little slip of paper, the trip has been pretty relaxing and cruisy so far. We’re in Sawtell staying with Wade’s oldies and settling Rusty into his new home. He hasn’t peed on any curtains or carpet yet and either has Rusty so I’d say we’re doing well.

We visited Dorrigo National Park yesterday and went for a bit of a hike to see these two waterfalls that are supposed to be pretty awesome. Much to Wade’s delight, we discovered halfway through our 6km walk that the final leg of the walk had been hit by a landslide a few weeks ago, so rather than doing a complete loop, we had to turn around and walk back right when we were almost at the end! Funny at the time... not so funny now that our calves are still burning!

This morning Wade was told about a national park with some cool 4wd tracks just west of Coffs, so we went to check it out this arvo. The place is called Bindarri National Park and it's about half an hour along some beautiful country roads from Coffs. It turned out to be well worth the trip with some easy but fun 4wding, a great waterfall and awesome views from the top of the mountain.

Finally had a chance to get the camera out so I’ve posted the first batch of photos. Hope you enjoy them cause this is only the start!

Us at a lookout over Dorrigo National Park

Some cool looking shrooms in Dorrigo

Monty and Wade enjoying themselves in Bindarri National Park

The closest Monty is getting to a car wash!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Still Packing

As with any great adventure, preparation is the key, and at this rate we're gonna need a bloody key ring!

As anticipated in our first blog post, our departure date has said goodbye to Thursday and hello to Friday 9th April. There were a few reasons for the change. First of all being that Wade got a tad too excited about being newly unemployed and spent most of Wednesday (the day we should've been packing) sitting on his bum drinking beers with anyone who'd spare a minute.

Second reason was that the rain delayed a few things that we had planned on doing earlier in the week and the final reason was that I had my first painful experience with Telstra and it ended up taking them about 12 hours to activate the sim card for our wireless internet!! USELESS! After that experience I decided Wade had the right idea and before I knew it, it was beer o'clock.

Anyway this is just a quick update to let you all know tonight is our last night in Sydney for the next 5 months! Looking forward posting some more interesting news and stories in the next few weeks but for now,