Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Cape Leveque to Cape Augusta, WA

Attention please..... Wade, Sarah and Monty are alive and well despite the huge lapse in time since our last blog! I apologise for the rather extended delay since our last blog but thanks to everyone for bugging me to get it done, it’s nice to know that you haven’t all forgotten us just yet!

So much has happened in the past two months and with only 4 weeks remaining until we need to be home and back to life in Sydney I thought I should probably update the blog as best as I can for such an eventful period of time!

In order to get some of the minor (and sometimes major!) details out of the way, I thought I’d try to sum the past two months up in a few facts and figures.

Since our last blog, we have......

• Driven over 9000km – this included a trip to the incredible Bungle Bungles, 4wding the famous Gibb River Road and travelling the entire western coast of Australia from Cape Leveque in the north to Esperance in the south
Cape Leveque, WA - where the red dirt meets the sea

• Spent more than $2500 on fuel – ouch!

• Crossed one state border – sounds minor but Western Australia is bloody HUGE!

Us at the WA border

• Had two tyre punctures – both far more disastrous than they should’ve been!
Wade having a laugh about our first flat tyre of the trip - this was before the jack moved during the tyre change and Monty came crashing down onto the axle..... no more laughing after that!

• Visited at least nine unique and beautiful National Parks

• Walked approximately 60km in National Parks, gorges and bushwalks

• Taken more than 2000 photos
Just another tough day on the job!

• Seen plenty of wildlife including humpback whales, blue whales, camels, brumbies, emus (with chicks!) plus all the usuals!

• Had one injury
My oh so attractive "cankle" after I stacked it 1.5 hours into a gorge walk and walked the 1.5hrs back out!

• Visited three (soon to be four!) World Heritage Listed sites/regions
The Bungle Bungles, Purnululu National Park, WA

• Had our first rain since April – and then spoke too soon and in total we have had approximately 15 days of rain

• Spent four fun filled days in Perth with awesome friends
Gibbo, Fruit, Blake and I catching up over shots in Perth!
• Experienced temperatures ranging from 38 degrees to 5 degrees!

• And spent more than 40 incredible nights under the stars seeing the amazing west coast of Australia!

To pick just a few stories or memories out of the last 2 months is almost impossible because every day has been an amazing adventure in a new and exciting place.

So that said, we are now on perhaps our most remote leg of this trip as this morning we began “Australia’s longest shortcut” aka the Great Central Highway from Laverton, WA through Alice Springs, NT to Winton, QLD and then finally home to Sydney!

I’d like to finish off this blog with some funny (but all real) signs that we have come across during our travels. While some of them are just new to us city slickers, others are hard to believe and a few are simply bizarre! Enjoy!

We thought this was funny til we had to usher cows off the road for hous on end!

Didn't your Mum tell you not to ride in the back of the ute?

No alcohol, i can live with. But specifically no Emu Bitter??? Geez! (Emu Bitter is WA's local beer)

Doesn't exactly fill you with confidence - and as irony would have it, because of this sign, everyone stops to look up and see the boulders that could potentially fall on them!

Not only do the genitals on this spirit frighten me, but I am also concerned about the fact that he "eats females after striking them with a yam"..... slightly worrying

As if the stingers and crocs weren't enough, now the rocks are trying to kill us too??

We missed the sign on the east coast so we made sure we got it on the west!

Might have been handy if Monty could reach that sort of speed!

As sad as it is that this amazing trip has to come to an end, we look forward to catching up with everyone when we arrive home in about 4 weeks. So until then, keep your fingers crossed for no more flat tyres!!

Wade, Sarah and Monty