Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Up and Running

So, after many requests from the WASFAC (Wade and Sarah FAn Club) we finally have our official Blog up and running! WOO YEAH!!

Being a first time Blogger, I have pretty much no idea what I am doing so feel free to throw suggestions, criticisms and good old fashioned abuse our way to let us know what you think!

In the meantime, maybe some friends or "followers" as they are known here in Blog World, (although I think followers sounds a bit too cult-like for me) should sign up to make us look a little less like one of the millions of Bloggers that no one wants to hear about.

With only 7 days to go until E.D.D.T.C.C.D.T.U.C (estimated date of departure that could change due to unforeseen circumstances), we hope to catch up for a final drink or 10 sometime over the Easter weekend.

Peace out Party People!